Talk at U-Conn Storrs Rainbow Center

Quite a reception at the Rainbow Center. I arrived a bit breathless but I enjoyed the crowd of about two dozen folks, and think the feeling was mutual. Stephanie is the trans faculty advisor, and Bill is the Rainbow Center director, and they were very welcoming. Lunch of seif-made sandwiches and chips and veggie stix went around quietly as I collected myself, and began.
After introducing myself, I introduced Bears on Bears and read from the Vilanch piece, which led into my intro of Bi Men, up to and including The B Word. I mentioned Kinsey and Yoshino's “Epistemic Contract of Bisexual Erasure” I also read “Bi and Invisible” by Kathryn Grannis and Pete's myth-breaker from the Advocate. Most were students – smattering of staff/faculty – and the students pulled no punches in their questions. I stumbled a bit, making a side comment in response to a question that had interrupted a reading, but found myself back well enough. I make the group laugh, several times, which is always a very good thing. I wished I'd gone through speaker training at BRC. I was nervous but I laid out all the points I wanted to make, including lack of bisexual media, the need for greater scientific research and public sexual education. I'm pleased with their response.
And! My first speaking engagement remuneration! Ka-ching! Well, the check'll go in the mail soon.