A discussion on fat queer lit with Ron J. Suresha and Philip C. Barragan.
author, activist, and anthologist of books centering on gay and bisexual male subcultures
A discussion on fat queer lit with Ron J. Suresha and Philip C. Barragan.
From the archives: a 1999 interview with Girth and Mirth co-founder, Reed Wilgoren, excerpted from my book, Bears on Bears: Interviews & Discussions, revised edition.
Edge review of FUR: the love of hair: “If you are a bear, if you identify with bears, if you know a bear, if you’re sister is married to a hairy guy and loves it, if you know a straight man who revels in body hair . . . get this book”
Images of men’s body and facial hair from FUR: THE LOVE OF HAIR, the award-winning coffee-table art book by Ron J. Suresha & Scott McGillivray, were featured in the Chris Hines documentary, “The Long & Short of Body Hair.”
The artists of a photography project called The Bear Sessions asked me to write an introduction to a collection of their work, a series of ursomasculine images, printed in magazine form, which came out this month.
“A window into another man’s masculinity” The new issue (#17) of All-Bear, which has my interview on FUR: THE LOVE OF HAIR, and the Bear Bones Books new titles.
Ron Suresha talking about FUR: THE LOVE OF HAIR with Frank deCaro on The Frank Show, SiriusXM OutQ, Aug. 22, 2012
Why is there a need for a bear community? “Because older and mature gay, bi and queer guys should be free, if not encouraged, to organize spaces and events that meet their mutual homosocial needs, including their unique and mature sexual tastes, just like straight men and lesbians and bi’s and transgender folks are free to organize and associate socially.”
Our increasingly interconnected society has allowed many more types of previously closeted gay and bi men to recognize their homosexuality, despite their body type or image. Thus, bears.
My interview on BearCentral with Scott McGillivray on FUR: THE LOVE OF HAIR Listen for the recorded interview audio on Bear Soup podcast