Bear Stew review

Dang, my little fangs. Was your Uncle SpunkDaddy hibernating when PJ Gray and Stan Hunter were putting together this book, ““Bear Cookin’ : the Original Guide to Bear Comfort Foods”? Given the colorful and appetizing pictures of bear food and bear food holes (furry mouths) on the cover, this book is a tad lean on content.

Although some dishes sound marvelous, it's hard to grasp the rationale of including a recipe for microwave popcorn. Well, not even a recipe really; the entry consists of saying that popcorn is bear food because . . . why, because they say it is.

Where da beef, you ask? Why, here it is, in a salute to ground beef because “Bears wouldn’t be Bears without it!” Ground beef is evidently a mandatory cornerstone to qualifying as a Bear of any merit. Well, guess it’s good to know that SpunkDaddy and his other vegetarian and vegan grrrpals (Hiya Bearhawk!) better turn in our membership cards. But tell me, guys, how can you honestly salute ground beef without providing your flesh-gnawin’ readers with at least one unique, mouth-watering recipe that actually includes the ingredient beef?

These guys, I am told, are planning a more balanced and well-crafted sequel. Until then, I'm stickin' with Joy of Cooking and Paul Prudhomme's books.