Kinsey furor liable to equal the furor over Fareignheit 9/11

Have been looking over the “Kinsey” trailer – I think this is going to be a HUGE movie that will bring bisexuality and other sexological issues to public awareness.

I suspect that the Xian furor over the flick is liable to equal the furor over Fareignheit 9/11. It's the cinematic antidote to “Passion of the Christ.”

Finally we might be able to start having an intelligent conversation about the sexual ignorance and misogyny that our culture embraces.

This is also fascinating news:

Fury over Neeson sex movie after Bush win
Kinsey tale angers US 'moral right'

The re-election of George Bush has helped fan further conservative criticism of Liam Neeson's latest movie about the life of controversial sex pioneer Alfred Kinsey.
Ballymena-born Neeson beat an A-list of stars, including Harrison Ford and Tom Hanks, to win the role of controversial Alfred Kinsey, the man credited with sparking the sexual revolution.
But its release – just 10 days after President Bush was swept back into power on the heels of a moral backlash in the US – has infuriated conservative family and religious groups.