The Day: BB&B cancelled

Finally, the newspaper has gotten around to investigating the BB&B fiasco. Ms Glover, president of Sail New London, may be responsible for its financial failure. This from the black children's librarian who condoned my exclusion from the event. It's weird that she equivocates in every statement. Is she the president of this organization or not? Who's investigating this other than the reporter?
You can read the article for 24 hrs at or afterward at

New London Cancels Summer Festival
Boats, Books & Brushes is scrapped due to debt, alleged mismanagement
By Richard Rainey

New London –– Outstanding debt and a dispute with its management company has led Sail New London to cancel the 2006 Boats, Books & Brushes festival, its annual late-summer tribute to local artists, writers and the city's maritime history.

“I think (the festival is) on hiatus,” said Jane G. Glover, the city's deputy mayor and president of Sail New London, a nonprofit organization. “We're probably not going to do one this year.”

Glover estimated that Sail New London owes somewhere between $24,000 and $30,000 to several vendors, although she added that the nonprofit had not begun tallying every bill left unpaid from last September's event.