Bear Soup #20

Bear Soup #20 is running, with four of the bear lightbulb jokes, and a review of the “Bears Gone Wild!” feature in the new issue of Unzipped magazine!

Here are the first four answers to the Bear Soup question:
How many [gay] bears does it take to screw in a light bulb?
+ 2 bears – and it better be a big bulb so that both bears can screw inside of it!
Greg Hudson, Woobie Bear Music
+ Two, if they can find a way to get inside!
Peter Peter, bearchubchasernyc
+ Four, one to screw in the bulb and three to eat the custard doughnuts!
Michael Oliver, Kent UK
+ Three: one to screw in the light bulb, one to screw the first bear on the ladder, and the third to say, “Been there, done him,” turn on his heels, and walk out.
RoBear, MidwessedWolf

I'll put up a push poll for folks to vote on zer favorite. ;-D}

Tomorrow heading to Ptown. Always a fun trip, and more than a little anxious about the reading/reception.