Tell ABC to Cancel Biased "Docu-Drama"

Rachel Maddow carried this item this morning and I blogged the following at TRMS around 8:15am.

I agree Rachel, I think we should ask people to call ABC to tell them to not run the fictional if not mythological miniseries. You know they're trying to make it seem historical while telling a big fat lie. People can call their local station or complain on

So then this shows up in my mailbox from Arch Brown at 11:19am.

Tell ABC to Cancel Their Inaccurate and Slanted Sept. 11th Program
On September 10th and 11th, ABC is planning to air a “docu-drama” called “Path to 9/11,” which is being billed as “an objective telling of the events of 9/11.” In fact, the film was written by an unabashed conservative who twists the facts to blame President Clinton.

Tell ABC to cancel this show.
ABC's new six-hour film was apparently screened in advance only to conservative bloggers and journalists — and received extensive praise from none other than Rush Limbaugh. The film is apparently also riddled with factual errors and distortions; former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke has completely refuted one of the key scenes in the show.
It's simply stunning to think that as this fall's election approaches, a major television network would devote six hours of prime-time programming to air such a slanted and inaccurate program.

Tell ABC — this type of inaccurate and slanted program does not belong on primetime television, and they should cancel this show.

 Want to increase your impact? Share this message with everyone you know who's interested in unbiased reporting on the tragic events of Sept. 11th, 2001. Thank you for working to build a better world.

Will Easton
Working Assets

Is the bloggerati freaking hot, or what?