NY Times silence on Bailey article ?

Since I posted the piece below, several folks contacted me to say they also sent letters to the Times editorial email. So shouldn't we expect them to have some reaction by today, one week later? I've been checking, but I can't find any response on NYTimes.com about the article either in Health or Opinion. I'll have to pick up the paper when I go out today.

Or has anyone heard any reaction at all? I send out my revised op-ed piece to some queermedia papers and some activist/author friends, but …. zip so far.

I also sent it to Jim from BearRadio.Net and he suggested I do it for Bear Soup.

It's kind of a small-b big day otherwise. Why? Maggi's left paw has been swollen and sore for a week. I keep telling her that we're looking fer th'man who shot her Pa, but she thinks the joke is not very funny. But we're a bit alarmed and Rocco's gotta work, so I have to take Maggi in to the vet in my car. My completely pet-free Passat. Oh well, another rite of fatherhood, I guess.

It feels like Mercury is retrograde…I need to get unstuck from some emotional crap that's stuck to my heel. Gotta scrape my shoes on the sidewalk some more.