Liz Smith? Are you out there?

Is it just me, or is this perhaps yet another fine example of bisexual erasure? Tomorrow I'm contacting Kenji Yoshino for his opinion.


I'm not sure how this might help, but Liz Smith is bisexual. I noticed her first on this list of
this year's “names”. Of course, it would not help to reveal that fact to the organized.
They'll just say, “See? We already have one.” But if you had the wherewithall to contact her
and ask for whatever help she might be able to lend. Who knows?


Lilbjorn suggests contacting Liz. The same idea that had occurred to me, too, and I'm willing to email or phone her. But I'm not finding contact info for her on the Post site. Can anyone locate an eddress or voicemail?

I've already spoken with GLAAD today twice, as well as started lining up my personal network for a major emailing from me tomorrow to just about anyone I can find an eddress for.

I'm really hoping this will become something she and a lot of other folks, can get behind. I keep getting this feeling that if we're smarter, faster, and righter than they are – whoever “they” are opposing my equal participation – that something spectacular and significant could happen suddenly, soon.

Wowowowow. My life just got a whoooooole lot more interesting and a whole lot less private. But I'm trying to keep in balance – went up to PVD for Thom Fonczak's yoga class last night, and took a wonderful walk around 5:30. I got a lemon sorbet and walked along the coastal street, Pequot, and looked at the water and trees and marina and people in the hazy harbor light.

Then I spotted an adult male swan with two offspring, a male and female youngsters, but the three of them didn't look quite settled. A few moments later, the mate appeared, gliding right up alongside them. Then as one the four turned and moved out into the water. I felt they were just like our family, Rocco and Maggi and Cody. And now I've come into the scene, and the natural progression of family gets underway. An amazing sense of peace came over me as I watched this simple procession of harbor life, which affirmed in a way the structure of my new family life. It's hard to convey how watching the swans completed something meaningful right then, but the experience wasn't really about words.

Rocco's in bed – he's been running with a low-grade something the past few days – so I'll go up to the attic soon to sleep. I'm freaking pooped. And for any homophobes who might be out there scanning this LJ blog for proof of my hidden like of kinky pursuits, that don't mean shit.

Thanks to the wooflicious and brilliant Lilbjorn, and to everyone else for your support and love.