Massachusetts Marriage Invalid in Connecticut

So I gues this means we either have to sue the state or get civilly united. Crap. And I wanted to paint the garage that weekend.

Latest News re: Civil Unions in Connecticut

The Attorney General's office has just issued an opinion at the request
of the Department of Public Health about CT recognizing other state's
laws on same sex relationships. Here is the link.

Blumenthal: Out-of-state civil unions to be recognized
September 20, 2005
Associated Press

HARTFORD, Conn. — Connecticut will recognize civil unions and domestic
partnerships from other states but not same-sex marriages from
neighboring Massachusetts when a new law allowing civil unions takes
effect here Oct. 1.
Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said Tuesday that Connecticut will
not recognize same-sex marriages because the legislature has defined
marriage as being between a man and a woman.
“Civil unions performed in other states are entitled to full faith and
credit in Connecticut, and cannot be repeated here. Out-of-state
same-sex marriages have no legal force and effect here,” Blumenthal
wrote in a legal opinion requested by the state's Department of Public
Health, which administers marriage licenses.
Those married, same-sex couples, however, will be able to enter into
civil unions in Connecticut.
Currently, Vermont is the only state outside Connecticut that allows
civil unions. Massachusetts is the only state that allows same-sex
marriages. Several states, including California, New Jersey and Maine,
allow some form of same-sex domestic partnership.