Cindy Sheehan rages against the war machine

Just heard citizen Cindy Sheehan cohosting the last hour of Randi Rhodes. Amazing, inspirational calls from all over. She's planning to head back to the White House VERY SOON when the Iraq troop death count hits 2000.

Peace mom plans more arrests in D.C.—and Thanksgiving in Crawford
Cindy Sheehan Pledges Civil Disobedience Campaign

> But Sheehan vowed to turn up the heat by returning to the front gate of the White House as soon as the death toll of American soldiers hits 2,000 (as of Thursday, the Department of Defense reported 1,982, including the five killed Wednesday). “I’m going to deliver a speech and then I’m going to get arrested. And when I get out I’m going to go back and get arrested,” Sheehan told the Voice.

And how long have I been saying that we should be framing the progressive movement in terms of the antiwar cause? Finally the chickenhawks are coming home to roast.