Ron on Bear Radio Network :: Eclectic Gay Radio!

Finally I pulled together the new weekly audio spot here on Bear Radio Network :: Eclectic Gay Radio!, which launched Thursday.

The first Bear Soup has an introductory segment; then focuses on the Bears in the movie A Dirty Shame; then the closer. I had quite the time pulling together the tech aspects of it; as usual, I had to figure out how to use new(-to-me) technology, which is challenging and frustrating. I also had to figure out how to acquire and manage sound clips from various sources. The worst part was figuring out how to send the file – an 8M mpg that for some reason wouldn’t compress. Thank goddess, BearRadio guy Joe Maulucci was patient, helpful, and supportive – he suggested that I just break the piece into two. Well, duh, that makes sense. And it worked.

I was so tired of spending so much time on the computer that I couldn’t bring myself to listen to it Thursday. Perhaps I’ll ask him to run it again next week so I can hear it online. All in all, it was a fun endeavor, and I hope it turned out OK.